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An Inspection Tour to Huizhou KTC Technology Made by a Delegation headed by Mr. LyuQuanzhou, the Memberof CPC Committee of HZZK High-Tech Zone and the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Committee in Huizhou, Guangdong Province
( Source:KTC   /   Send time:2021-08-24 )

In the morning on 20 Aug. 2021,along with Mr. Chen Dehua, the deputy director of administrative commission of HZZK High-Tech Zone and the director of administrative commission of the Huinan Science Park, the delegation headed by Mr. LyuQuanzhou , the Member of CPC Committee of HZZK High-Tech Zone and the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Committee in Huizhou, made an inspection tour to Huizhou KTC Technology for giving advice on Covid-19 prevention and control on site. The KTC’s top management warmly received the delegation and accompanied with them throughout the inspection.

During the inspection, Mr.Lyu, together with his company, visited the showroom, where they were briefed on Huizhou KTC’s production and a variety of high-tech products with innovative features and gave full recognition to technical highlights of its products and its production capacity.

At a meeting during the inspection, Mr. Lyu in company with other leaders inquired about the mechanism forthe virous prevention, screening for infection among employees, facilities and supplies, vaccination, trans-bound logistics and the method to prevent and control Covid-19 internally and externally, and provided responding guidance on those areas. Mort importantly, Mr. Lyu put emphasis on that KTC should ensure the workplace safety and improve the physical and mental health of its staff while continuing virus control measures.

KTC thanked all levels of government’s leaders for their care and guidance and promised that it will fulfill its responsibility for the workplace safety by raising its awareness, keep fighting the pandemic and take more care of staff’s physical and mental health; By so doing, K can promote a coordinated progress in the Covid-19 prevention and control and business development in an effort to contribute to socio-economic high-quality growth.

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